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Anonymous Functions

Mick’s example

public function test3()
        $fixed = 27;
        $hi = 'hi';

        //the variable fixed is stored at the function at this point
        $addOneToFixed = function($hi) use ($fixed){
            if($hi === 'hi'){
                return $fixed +1;

        $fixed = 28000;


The variable inside () is passed when the function is called, the variable in the use is actually fixed when the function is defined

Assigning to Variables


return 'sum = '.$arg1+$arg2;


Using anonyomous function as a callback

array_map can be passed a callback

$new_array = array_map(function($num){

return $num*$num;
}, $num_array);

Creating Closures with anonymous functions

A closure is same as the lambda apart from it can access the variable which is created outside of its scope or are not in its perimeter.

//define a regular variable


//create a closure using anonymous function

$message=function() use ($user){

echo 'hello'. $user;


Altering the $user variable in the function will not change it outside.

The Strategy Pattern

Define a family of algorithims.

Logger interface. 3 Different logging classes implement this interface.

Laravel From Scratch 5.7

21 Service Container and Auto-Resolution

Auto resolving when type hinting - looks in the Service Container (basically a big list of key-value pairs). Can use app(Filesystem::class)

Putting things into the toybox (Service Container):

app()->bind('example', function(){
  return new \App\Example;

if you want a singleton:

app()->singleton('example', function(){
  return new \App\Example;

to retrieve:


You don’t need to bind, if you use the class path:


If Example depends on a Foo, inject this into it’s constructor. This will get auto resolved.

When to use the Service Container.

22 Service Providers

Can just add to AppServiceProvider or create a dedicated provider (must add to app.php).

Can bind an interface to a class.

PSR-4 Autoloading

Laracasts example:

app - Laracasts

namespace is from app folder

### Autoload

“psr-4”:{ “Laracasts\”;”app/Laracasts” }

## Creating class from name

```$modelClass = 'App\Models\\' . $type;
 $modelClass::query()->where('updated_at', '>=', $timewindow)->first();