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S - Single Responsibility

A class should only have one reason to change eg reporter class not doing formatting and auth and not tied to db

O - Open/Closed

Entities should be open for extension but closed for modification

Uncle Bob says: Separate extensible behavior behind an interface, and flip the dependencies

Example: calculating area of shapes with if, elseif

Should be:


* Don't need to modify source.
* Code to an interface.

Polymorphism - different behaviour while sharing common interface.

## L - Liskov Substitution

Derived subclasses must be substitutable for their base class

function all(){ return []; }


function all(){ return collect(); }


Return values different so cannot be substituted.

If checking type then alarm bells should ring.

  1. Signature must match.
  2. Preconditions can’t be greater.
  3. Post conditions at least equal to.
  4. Exception types must match.

I - Interface Segregation

A client should not be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use.

E.g. AndroidWorker forced to implement sleep() method of WorkerInterface. break into smaller interfaces like Workable and Sleepable behaviours

D - Dependency Inversion

High level code is not concerned with the details. Low level code is more concerned with details and specifics.

High level code should depend on interfaces not concrete.

House owns electrical socket, tv must conform to socket.

IOC inversion of control

read about this High level code should depend on an abstraction.

read about ICO

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