Ok, no more delay. This is the first day of using TDD.
Laravel Dusk and Vue.js
I still haven’t figured how to get Dusk working, or how to test my Vue components but I’m going to get started with PHPUnit tests and aim to progress from there.
Laravel Up and Running
As usual I will be reading Matt’s book as I go.
I have also renewed my Laracasts subscription, it is the best way to keep my skills up-to-date. I have started watching some of this [https://laracasts.com/series/lets-build-a-forum-with-laravel] (Build A Forum)
Starting Simple
I have added a couple of tests and am just visiting URLs and checking that I see some text:
public function testReportScheduleLoads()
What else can I do?
JSON Tests
These look pretty simple:
$this->seeJson(['name' => 'Datatable']);
** At the moment I have some stuff hardcoded, eventually these will go and I wll be creating models in these tests **
Naming Tests
- filename must end in Test
- methods must start with name test (or docblock contains @test)
The TestingEnvironment
.env is not loaded - phpunit.xml used instead
The Testing Traits
Database Migrations
This will run all the database migrations. This is the way I want to go, maybe use an SQLLite DB in memory.
This is how to SQL lite in memory
Add this to phpUnit.xml
<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>
<env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/>
Database Transactions
Expects DB to be ‘ready’, it wraps all the tests in transactions and rolls the back
What else?
Just loads the page and returns a 200.
and this->dontSee()
and this->dontSeeLink()
and this->dontSeeInField()
- looks for a value in an input or text area
and this->dontSeeIsChecked()
- looks at a checkbox
and this->dontSeeIsSelected()
- for checking selects
checs the loaded page
and this->dontSeeInDatabase()
- for checking db values exist
Clicking and Forms - pg 275
I think that this will do for now, I will add more as I learn it.
Tried working through https://laracasts.com/series/lets-build-a-forum-with-laravel but this is for 5.4.
Model Factories
This is how you create models for your tests:
$factory->define(App\Models\Dashboard::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'name' => $faker->firstName,
'public' => 1,
This is how you create related models:
$factory->define(App\Models\WidgetType::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'type' => $faker->numberBetween(1,4),
'description' => $faker->numberBetween(1,4),
'chart_type_id' => function () {
return factory('App\Models\ChartType')->create()->id;
Make your models like this:
$dashboard = factory(Dashboard::class)->create();
Adam Wathan
- Walking Skeleton
- Features - acceptance testing
- Unit - lower level
- SQLlite in memory
- Model factories
Unit tests - just test functions
Instead of lumping together in a feature test, break down into Unit tests
What wouldj happen , if you wrote the tests after.
Use Mock