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Just thought brushing up on Laravel authorisation would be a good idea.

Based on the 5.5 documentation.

There are two ways to authenticate: gates and policies

Think of gates and policies like routes and controllers.


 Gate::define('update-post', function ($user, $post) {
        return $user->id == $post->user_id;

Resource Gates

They can also be defined using a resource method:

Gate::resource('posts', 'PostPolicy');

Authorising Actions

Just use allow on denies like this:

if (Gate::allows('update-post', $post)) {
    // The current user can update the post...


Organise authorization logic around a particular model or resource. If you have a Post model, you will have a PostPolicy.

php artisan make:policy PostPolicy  --model=Post

Registering Policies

Policies need to be registered in AuthServiceProvider.

   protected $policies = [
        Post::class => PostPolicy::class,

Writing Policies

 public function update(User $user, Post $post)
        return $user->id === $post->user_id;


These can be added, so that all policies are overwritten.

Authorising Actions Using Policies

Via the User model Two methods can and cant.

if ($user->can('update', $post)) {

This calls the policy for the model which is registered.

Via Middleleware

Middleware can be used, to prevent actions even getting to the controller.

By default the Authorize middleware is assigned the can key in the Kernel class.

Route::put('/post/{post}', function (Post $post) {
    // The current user may update the post...

Via Controller Helpers

Laravel provide the authorize method for controllers.

 $this->authorize('update', $post);

Via Blade Templates

@can('update', $post)

Now watch this: