01 Measure Performance
- debug bar?
- how many queries get run? n+1 eager loading
- how long does each query take - do we need an index
- memory usage - performance
- look at the models tab - more eager loading?
02 Minimise Memory Usage
- memory usage roughly 4mb? - up to 20mb
- this was a select *
add a select:
$years = Post::query
->select('id', 'title')
strip down related:
//can be
useful when we have a lot of records, look at metrics
03 Get one record from a has many relationship.
- looking for last_login_date
- look at memory again (14MB)
- use a subquery
- $users = User::query()
- ->addSelect(Select[‘last_login_at’ => Login::select(‘created_at’)])
- ->whereColumn(‘user_id’, ‘’)
- ->latest()
- ->take(1) //cam only return one column
- can also cast in a query
- then add to a scope
- query builder builder logic to a scope